LEGO-CSM is a valuable resource for protein annotation. This page aims to provide clarification to how submit jobs to LEGO-CSM and what the results look like.
Running predictions

The input page can be accessed from the top menu Run.
Users are only required to provide a protein sequence (1). A series of formats are accepted, including fasta format, or (2) an amino acid sequence in plain text format. Users are encourage to access the examples provided for more clarification on formats accepted.
Additional protein structure information may also be provided by searching the PDB, AlphaFold2 or uploading your own structure (2).
A button for an example results page is available at the bottom of the form (3)
Results are summarised in multiple sections:

- Predicted Annotations (4): Enzyme Commission predictions are summarised at the top of the page (5) and external links to the BRENDA database is provided. In addition, predicted Gene Ontology terms are summarised on a table (6) with confidence scores associated with each term, and external links to the AmiGO database (5).

- Predicted Subcellular Localisation (7): a depiction of the cell, built using SwissBioPics with the predicted subcellular localisation highlighted is shown (8), including a short description on the right side (9).

- Protein Structure (10): If provided, this section displays an interactive 3D viewer (11)using the NGL viewer. A set of controllers and options are available for customising the viewer (12).

- Protein Sequence (13): Finally, details on the input protein sequence are shown (14), including amino acid composition, Isoeletric Point, Molecular Weight and UV Absorbance.
Contact us
In case you experience any troube using LEGO-CSM or if you have any suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate in cantacting us either via email or via our Group website.
If your are contacting regarding a job submission, please include details such as input information and the job identifier