Ouli Xie was awarded the the prestigious NHMRC Gustav Nossal Postgraduate Scholarship Award for his project on "Analysing the evolution of Streptococcal pathovars to inform prevention and treatment approaches to combat streptococcal disease". Congratulations Ouli!
Our PhD student, Carlos Rodrigues, was awarded the 2019 Sawyer Medal for outstanding achievements during a PhD. Well done, Carlos!
Our PhD student, Malancha Karmakar, gave a brilliant talk at the MM2019. She demonstrated the power of using structural info to accurately identify drug resistance mutations in TB sequencing. SUSPECT-PZA & SUSPECT-BDQ are already proving clinically powerful.
Our PhD student, Stephanie Portelli, delivered an outstanding talk at the MM2019. Fascinating how she shows that models built in one organism can detect resistance in completely different organisms. Highlights how the underlying molecular forces driving resistance are conserved from virus to cancer. Well done, Steph!
Our PhD student, Michael Silk, received the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Research Prize for Publication Excellence for his work on “MTR-Viewer: identifying regions within genes under purifying selection”. Great job, Michael!
Our PhD student, Carlos Rodrigues, received the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Research Prize for Publication Excellence for his work on “mCSM-PPI2: predicting the effects of mutations on protein-protein interactions”. Congratulations, Carlos!
Our PhD, Carlos Rodrigues, received an award for best poster at the 44th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function for his work entitled "mCSM-PPI2: predicting the effects of single-point mutations in protein-protein interactions". Congratulations Carlos!
Our PhD, Michael Silk, received an award for best poster at the 44th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function for his work entitled "Identifying functionally important features within protein tertiary structures using the Missense Tolerance Ratio". Great job, Michael!
Our PhD, Yoochan Myung, received an award for best poster at the 44th Lorne Conference on Protein Structure and Function for his work entitled "mCSM-AB2: an in silico tool for antibody affinity maturation". Well done, Yoochan!