DynaMut - Prediction Outcomes

Submission details

Wild-type: GLU

Position: 346

Mutant: LYS

Chain: A

Prediction Outcome

ΔΔG: -0.457 kcal/mol (Destabilizing)

NMA Based Predictions

ΔΔG ENCoM: -0.139 kcal/mol (Destabilizing)

Other Structure-Based Predictions

ΔΔG mCSM: -0.371 kcal/mol (Destabilizing)

ΔΔG SDM: -0.160 kcal/mol (Destabilizing)

ΔΔG DUET: -0.203 kcal/mol (Destabilizing)

Δ Vibrational Entropy Energy Between Wild-Type and Mutant

ΔΔSVib ENCoM: 0.174 kcal.mol-1.K-1 (Increase of molecule flexibility)

Δ Vibrational Entropy Energy | Visual representation
ΔΔS - Vibrational entropy changes upon mutation

Amino acids colored according to the vibrational entropy change upon mutation. BLUE represents a rigidification of the structure and RED a gain in flexibility

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Prediction of Interactomic Interactions

Bond Type Color
Hydrogen bonds
Water mediated hydrogen bonds
Weak hydrogen bonds
Water mediated weak hydrogen bonds
Halogen bonds
Ionic interactions
Metal complex interactions
Aromatic contacts
Hydrophobic contacts
Carbonyl contacts





Wild-type and mutant residues are colored in light-green and are also represented as sticks alongside with the surrounding residues which are involved on any type of interactions.

Ensemble NMA of Wild-type and Mutant

Wild-type and Mutant sequence were extracted from their respective 3D structures and then aligned. The results of normal mode data for each of the sequences are displayed below.

Type of secondary structure on each region of the sequence is added to the top and bottom margins of the plot (helices black and strands gray)

Visual analysis of Atomic Fluctuation

Atomic Fluctuation provides the amplitude of the absolute atomic motion.

Calculations performed over the first 10 non-trivial modes of the molecule.


Fluctuation analysis of Wild-type structure


Fluctuation analysis of Mutant structure

The magnitute of the fluctuation is represented by thin to thick tube colored blue (low), white (moderate) and red (high).

Visual analysis of Deformation Energies

Deformation energy provides a measure for the amount of local flexibility in the protein.

Calculations performed over the first 10 non-trivial modes of the molecule.


Deformation energies analysis of Wild-type structure


Deformation energies analysis of Mutant structure

The magnitute of the deformation is represented by thin to thick tube colored blue (low), white (moderate) and red (high).