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ID | Protein | Mutation | Mutation Based | Organism | Chain | PDB | Lenght | Weight | UNIPROT | T | pH | Method | Measure | ΔΔG | ΔTm | Mutation Type | Nº mutations | BLOSUM 62 | PAM 250 | POS | NEG | ACC | DON | ARO | SUL | NEU | SST | RSA | PHI | PSI | Depht of residue | Depht of CA | Relative B factor | Effect | Reference |
Authors: Joicymara S. Xavier, Pâmela M. Rezende, João P. L. Velloso, Thanh-Binh Nguyen, Malancha Karmarkar, Stephanie Portelli, David B. Ascher, Douglas E. V. Pires.
Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 49, Issue D1, 8 January 2021, Pages D475–D479
Here we have developed a new resource for thermodynamic data from protein mutations. Our data were manually checked and are available here through flexible search criteria, exportation of data subsets on-the-fly, and also supports programmatic access via RESTful API. Furthermore, it is possible to contribute to database integrity and growth sending us your data or reporting errors in ours. See more in Tutorial.