Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) could be cleavaged by β-secretase and γ-secretase and produce the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides with 39-43 amino acids in length, which are the major components of the neuritic plaques1. APP is strongly associated with the Early-onset AD (EOAD) and familial AD (fAD), and the mutations in APP will result in the increase of the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio, bringing a stronger neural toxicity2.
Mutation Viewer
Please choose a missense mutation of interest from the heatmap, and click to get protein structural information.
Missense mutations are coordinated by the wild-type amino acid at the bottom (x-axis) and the mutant amino acid on the left (y-axis).
Wild-type positions are based on canonical sequence.
Predicted phenotypes
Predicted probability of the phenotypes, showing how confidence the prediction is.
Residue Structural Environment
Secondary Structure
Secondary structure at the mutation site: Helix, Strand, or Loop.
Relative solvent accessibility (RSA)
This feature (range: 0-1) describes how the residue is exposed to solvent.
A residue with a low RSA (e.g. < 20%) is usually located in the buried reigon, while a resiude with a high RSA (e.g. > 20%) is usually more exposed to solvent / closer to the surface.
Phi & Psi
Peptide torsion angles of the wild-type residue.
Predicted Local Distance Difference Test (pLDDT)
This feature (range: 0-100) describes how AlphaFold2 is confident with the predicted residue conformation.
Residue with higher pLDDT score is considered as more accurately predicted, while the region with a low pLDDT score (low confidence) is often associated with disorderness.